№3 | september 2023

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Journal articles

Number: № 3 (september 2023)

On the methodology of calculating structures resistance to seismic impacts


DOI: 10.55326/22278400_2023_3_44

Abstract. The article presents an analysis of published works on the state of regulatory documentation for the calculation of structures resistance to earthquakes; the author argues that the developers of domestic requirements made a serious methodological error setting the initial seismic information when they used dynamic coefficients, instead of response spectra; identified the reasons for the inadequacy of mathematical models of the interaction of foundations and structures during earthquakes, including for offshore oil and gas facilities, gives equations for translational, rocking parallel movements of a rigid structure on a pliable foundation, taking into account the effects of gravity. The author proposed to introduce these equations into the standards for earthquake-resistant construction and, on their basis, to analyze the stability of the structure's position.

Keywords: building codes, seismic actions, special loads, mechanical safety, acute resonance, ice loads

For citation: Vostrov V. K., Mansurov M. N. On the methodology of calculating structures resistance to seismic impacts // Hydrotechnika. 2023. №. 3. Pp. 44-56.

The full version of the article is available by subscription
