Peer review principles
- Collaborating with the editors of The Hydrotechnika, the reviewer follows the editorial ethics of reviewing.
- The editors of the journal are focused on assessing the quality of the article according to the following criteria: the relevance of the problem under study/posed, scientific novelty, practical significance, and the reliability of the presented results. Also, the editors take into account compliance of the article with the concept and requirements of the journal, volume, logic of presentation, accuracy and clarity of wording, expediency of using images.
Review procedure
- After consideration by the editors, materials accepted for publication with a cover letter are sent to the reviewer by e-mail.
- Reviewers cooperate with the editorial staff free of charge.
- The review period adopted by the editors is one month. If the reviewer needs more time, he/she informs the editor-in-chief about it.
- The overall conclusion of the review should contain one of the following conclusions:
– the article is recommended for publication;
– the article can be recommended for publication after revision (it is necessary to indicate what exactly should be finalized);
– the article is not recommended for publication (it is necessary to substantiate).
- If there are comments, the editors discuss with the author the terms for finalizing the article. If the author does not agree with the reviewer's comments, he/she can make the necessary clarifications to the text and send to the editorial office a written justification of his/her position, which is brought to the attention of the reviewer by the editorial board. If the reviewer does not accept the author's arguments, the editors can organize an additional review, and the issue of publishing the article is submitted for discussion by the editorial board.
- If the author agrees with the reviewer's comments, after their elimination, the materials for publication are again transferred to the reviewer, who informs the editors in writing of his/her decision to publish or not publish the materials.
- Peer reviews are kept in the editorial office for 5 years. Reviews can be submitted to scientific electronic databases and libraries in accordance with their requirements for posting articles and the journal issues.
- The Editorial Board of the journal will provide in a mandatory manner copies of reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation upon receipt of a corresponding request.
The editors of the journal must send copies of reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation upon receipt of a corresponding request by the editors.