№3 | september 2023

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№2 | June  2023

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№1 | march 2023

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№1 | march 2022

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Journal articles

Number: № 2 (June 2023)

Automatic neural network P-controller of the hydropower turbine

Abstract. Developed by Tyazhmash a new version of the automatic neural network P-controller of the hydropowerturbine are offered in this paper. It allows to increase the accuracy of regulating in changing parameters conditions.

Keywords: hydropower turbine automatic control system, neural networks, Tyazhmash

For citation: Armer A. I., Volkov D. R., Bakhtiiarov R. A., Kiselev S. K., Sharova S. V. Automatic neural network P-controllerof the hydropower turbine // Hydrotechnika. 2023. № 2. Pp. 2–6.

The full version of the article is available by subscription
