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  • Calculation of ice loads jn hydrotechnical facilities the Case of the Sea Port Complex Project in the Tatar Strait

№3 | september 2023

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Technology and experience

Number: № 3 (september 2023)

Calculation of ice loads jn hydrotechnical facilities the Case of the Sea Port Complex Project in the Tatar Strait


DOI: 10.55326/22278400_2023_3_15

Abstract. In case of insufficiency of the initial data at the design stage of the facility, predictive calculations of the characteristics of the ice regime are used applying data from the nearest stations of the state observation network. Based on this approach, a technique for estimating the ice thickness with allowance for thermal growth is presented. Based on the data obtained, in accordance with the current regulatory framework, ice loads from fast ice and hummocks were determined, on the basis of which constructive solutions for hydraulic engineering structures were developed.

Keywords: ice regime, ice load, ice thickness calculations, temperature Regime

For citation: Gorgutsa R. Y., Mironov M. E. Calculation of ice loads jn hydrotechnical facilities (The Case of the Sea Port Complex Project in the Tatar Strait) // Hydrotechnika. 2023. №. 3. Pp. 15-20.

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