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Статьи журнала

Номер: № 2 (June 2023)

Scientific and technical tasks of import substitution in technologies for offshore oil and gas production

Abstract. Presents the results of the analysis of the state of Russian oil and gas production, the prospects and real
possibilities of import substitution in technologies for offshore oil and gas production. Among the priorities are the
production of systems for control of bottom-hole conditions during drilling — MWD systems and equipment for subsea
production systems including base plate, wellhead equipment and manifolds, wellhead control modules, control
and measurement units.
Keywords: offshore oil and gas production, import substitution, implementation of investment projects, crucial
types of equipment
For citation: Mansurov M. N., Mirzoev D. А. Scientific and technical tasks of import substitution in technologies for
offshore oil and gas production // Hydrotechnika. 2023. № 2. Pp. 24–30.

Abstract. Presents the results of the analysis of the state of Russian oil and gas production, the prospects and realpossibilities of import substitution in technologies for offshore oil and gas production. Among the priorities are theproduction of systems for control of bottom-hole conditions during drilling — MWD systems and equipment for subseaproduction systems including base plate, wellhead equipment and manifolds, wellhead control modules, controland measurement units.

Keywords: offshore oil and gas production, import substitution, implementation of investment projects, crucialtypes of equipment

For citation: Mansurov M. N., Mirzoev D. А. Scientific and technical tasks of import substitution in technologies foroffshore oil and gas production // Hydrotechnika. 2023. № 2. Pp. 24–30.

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