Abstract. Examples of observed non-design behavior of high concrete dams are given. The main man-made geodynamic processes determining unsteady state of dams are considered: force action of filtration flow and convective cooling of foundations, phenomena of lagging elasticity and hydraulic fracture of massifs. The peculiarities of disturbance of isostatic equilibrium of the earth crust from the weight of large reservoirs are considered. Analytical solutions are given
for each of the technogenic processes and influences.
Keywords: high dams, large reservoirs, rocks, filtration forces, convective heat transfer, lagging elasticity, hydraulic fracture of concrete, crust, crustal isostatic disequilibrium
For citation: Tetelmin V. V. Geodynamic processes in the foundations of high dams not considered in the design // Hydrotechnika. 2023. № 1. Pp. 10–16.