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Статьи журнала

Номер: № 2 (June 2023)

Critical tasks solution on regulation in the design and operation of new NPP units with evaporation cooling towers

Abstract. The article presents main directions, the results of experiments and tests carried out within the framework
of R&D for the design of evaporation cooling towers, the development of a procedure for application of scale and corrosion
inhibitors in circulating cooling systems, the development of technology selection guidelines for cleaning core internals
and tower evaporation cooling tower sprinklers.
Keywords: tower evaporation cooling tower, circulating cooling system, water chemistry, sprinklers, inhibitors, experimental
For citation: Anpilogova I. N., Kazarov G. I. Critical tasks solution on regulation in the design and operation of new
NPP units with evaporation cooling towers // Hydrotechnika. 2023. № 2. Pp. 7–13.

Abstract. The article presents main directions, the results of experiments and tests carried out within the frameworkof R&D for the design of evaporation cooling towers, the development of a procedure for application of scale and corrosioninhibitors in circulating cooling systems, the development of technology selection guidelines for cleaning core internalsand tower evaporation cooling tower sprinklers.

Keywords: tower evaporation cooling tower, circulating cooling system, water chemistry, sprinklers, inhibitors, experimentalunit

For citation: Anpilogova I. N., Kazarov G. I. Critical tasks solution on regulation in the design and operation of newNPP units with evaporation cooling towers // Hydrotechnika. 2023. № 2. Pp. 7–13.

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