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Статьи журнала

Номер: № 3 (september 2023)

Application of fiber optic technology for monitoring the mine water drainage pipeline system in the permafrost zone


DOI: 10.55326/22278400_2023_3_34

Abstract. The article presents an analysis of the possibilities of using DAS fiber optic technology for the integrated monitoring of mine water drainage pipeline systems in the permafrost zone; shows the prospects for this technology application as a tool for preventive, operational analysis of the pipeline structural behavior; describes the mechanism of reflection of the von Mises stress of the metal of the pipeline structure in the spatial vibroacoustic field of this structure, and gives a model example of this kind of reflection. As a result of the described reflection, vibroacoustic precursors (traces) of degradation processes developing in the metal of the structure appear in the vibroacoustic field of the pipeline. These precursors indicate the development of processes of fatigue or corrosion degradation of the metal strength properties, which will sooner or later lead to its destruction. The authors propose mechanism for detecting these precursors using the DAS system and a method for converting the parameters of these precursors into von Mises stress intensity.

Keywords: DAS monitoring system, von Mises stress, yield tensile strength, vibroacoustic field of a metal structure, stress-strain state of a metal structure, vibroacoustic method for analyzing the stress-strain behavior

For citation: Timofeev A. V., Maksimov P. N., Groznov D. I. Application of fiber optic technology for monitoring the mine water drainage pipeline system in the permafrost zone // Hydrotechnika. 2023. №. 3. Pp. 34-43.


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